Sunday, February 26, 2012

Linux File System Structure

Every new Linux user has troubles recognizing the file system structure of the new operating system.
Therefor we offer you little explanation about the file system structure.

The highest level in Linux is the root.
/ - root
The begining of everything in Linux. The root user has write privilege in this directory and the directories below.

From them we have full structure described in the following text.

/bin - User binaries
This directory contains user compiled executables and commands used by all users of the system.

/sbin - System binaries
This directory contains system executables and commands used by the system administrator for system maintenance.

/etc - Configuration files
This directory contains configuration files required by all programs in the system, startup and shutdown shell scripts.

/dev - Device files
This directory contains files about the devices (terminal, USB and every other attached device to the system).

/proc - Process information
This directory contains information about ongoing system processes. Every system process has it's PID (process ID) and this directory contains that information.

/var - Variable files
This directory contains variable files, files that are expected to be enlarged, including the system log and the log of perticular processes.

/tmp - Temporary files
This directory contains temporary files that are created by the system and the users. After every reboot the files in this directory are deleted.

/usr - User programs
This directory contains binaries, libraries, documentation and source code for user created programs. It contains also binary files for user programs.

/home - Home directories
This directory contains directories for all users in the system. Users store their personal files there.

/boot - Boot loader files
This directory contains the boot loader related files.

/lib - System libraries
This directory contains library files that support the binaries located under /bin and /sbin.

/opt - Optional add-on apps
This directory contains add-on applications for individual vendors.

/mnt - Mount directory
This directory contains mounted filesystems of the system administrators.

/media - Removable devices
This directory contains information about the removable devices.

/srv - Service data
This directory contains server specific services related data.


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